Paulist Evangelization Ministries Apps

Living the Eucharist 1.6
The Living the Eucharist Daily Devotionals Appoffers three devotionals to ignite your spiritual growth duringAdvent and Christmas, Lent, and the Easter Season. Preview thefirst week of each devotional for free. The app also includes afree video titled Learn Lectio Divina. The Learn Lectio Divina video teaches you a dynamic five-stepmethod of praying with the Scriptures in the Catholic tradition.The combination of Lectio Divina and the daily devotionals providesa sure pathway to a more intimate and personal relationship withGod. In addition, the app includes two other free videos titledLearn to Grow Spiritually and Learn About SeasonalDevotionals.
Vive la Eucaristía 1.8
La aplicación Devocionarios Diarios de Vive laEucaristía ofrece tres devocionarios para los tiempos litúrgicoscon el fin de avivar tu crecimiento espiritual durante el Advientoy la Navidad, la Cuaresma y el Tiempo Pascual. Examina la primerasemana de cada devocionario sin costo. La aplicación incluye unvideo gratis titulado Conoce la Lectio Divina.El video Conoce la Lectio Divina te enseña una manera personal ydinámica en cinco pasos para rezar con la Sagrada Escritura en latradición católica. La combinación de la lectio divina y losdevocionarios diarios te ofrecen una senda segura para cultivar unarelación con Dios más íntima y personal. Además, la aplicaciónincluye otros dos videos gratis titulados Para crecerespiritualmente y Aprende sobre devocionarios.The Daily DevotionalsLiving the Eucharist application offers three times for liturgicalprayer books in order to stoke your spiritual growth during Adventand Christmas, Lent and Eastertide. Examines the first week of eachprayerbook without cost. The application includes a free videoentitled Meet the Lectio Divina.He meets the Lectio Divina video teaches you a personal dynamicallyand in five steps to pray with Scripture in the Catholic tradition.The combination of lectio divina and daily devotionals offer a safeway to cultivate a relationship with God more intimate andpersonal. In addition, the application includes two free videostitled To grow spiritually and learn about prayer books.